people studing in a group

Community Groups

A small community group in your area

Adelaide Hills Region

Come to our evening bible study group in Nerida and Phil's house at Hawthorndene on the second Wednesday or to Anne and Steve's house at Aldgate on the forth Wednesday of each month. Enjoy discussion on scripture topics and share food and fellowship.

Second and forth Wednesday nights of each month at 7:00 pm

Klemzig Region

Come to our weekend group on the second and forth Saturday of each month.. Enjoy discussion on scripture topics and share food and fellowship. We also have recreational activities like visits to the beach and sports events.

Second and forth Saturday of each month. Somethimes in the evening, sometimes in the daytime.

mature adults meeting in community group
mature adults meeting in community group

Lightsview Region

Come to our Saturday group on the second and forth Saturday of each month.. Enjoy discussion on scripture topics and share food and fellowship. We also have recreational activities suitable for people with young children.

Second and forth Saturday of each month during the day time.

Our fellowship includes separate Community Groups and Ministries that meet across Adelaide. These groups create a spiritually healthy environment where we can build and develop true friendships with people of similar life stages through biblically led discussions and fellowship.

teenagers feet in sneakers
teenagers feet in sneakers

Teenagers Ministry

Campus Ministry

Young adults demonstrating unity by hand holding
Young adults demonstrating unity by hand holding

Professionals Ministry

Ministry groups

The Teen Ministry is comprised of fun-loving, lively High School students who participate in fortnightly activities together. They are a big part of our community but they have their own space to be themselves and explore their faith.

Teens have their meetings every first and third Friday evening of the month. Venues vary

Discover a group of University Students that are excited about their faith and are actively living it out. Our Campus Ministry has both fun and meaningful times together through bible studies, devotionals, Fun Friday events and trips together.

Campus/Pros meet at 37 Angas St on the 1st and 3rd Friday of every month for a bible lesson

The “Pro’s” are a great mix of single professionals, post-graduate students, and married couples without kids yet. Our goal is to deepen our relationship with God, with each other and engage in fun activities and events around Adelaide.

Campus students meeting outside
Campus students meeting outside