Adelaide Church of Christ Fellowship
Join us this Sunday
10:30am Prospect Town Hall
We hope that your experience with us will help you to better understand the love, hope, and joy experienced by a community of people who love Jesus.

Community Groups
Special Events

Who we are
We are a community of believers who seek to love God and others, a church not for ourselves. Not perfect, but completely devoted to Jesus and His mission to reach the lost.
Every person is important to God. By putting our faith into action, we want to do our part by becoming a vital part of our local community and globally online.
Compelled by Jesus's love, we seek to be with, become like, and live like He did.
From Sunday worship services and community groups to personal Bible studies, we’re here to provide you with resources to meet your immediate needs
For your family

The Teen Ministry is comprised of fun-loving, lively High School students who participate in fortnightly activities together. They are a big part of our community but they have their own space to be themselves and explore their faith.
We believe that our children are the future of the Church. Kingdom Kids is a great place for your little ones. Every Sunday, we have classes for children preschool level through 4th grade.
Discover a group of University Students that are excited about their faith and are actively living it out. Our Campus Ministry has both fun and meaningful times together through bible studies, devotionals, Fun Friday events and trips together.