Holy Bible

Bible Study Series

“But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it - not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it - they will be blessed in what they do.” James 1:25 NIV

Downnload the pdf of the Parables Quite-time  seriesDownnload the pdf of the Parables Quite-time  series
Download the pdf version of the disciple-makers bible study seriesDownload the pdf version of the disciple-makers bible study series
Download the pdf version of the forward in faith quiet time seriesDownload the pdf version of the forward in faith quiet time series

A 30 day quiet-time study of Jesus' parables.

"The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you, but to those on the outside, everything is said in parables" Mark 4:11 NIV

A parable is an earthly story with a heavenly meaning. In this series many of the parables Jesus told are examined so that faith may be encouraged and understanding deepened.

The bible studies provided in this document are aimed at helping a seeker come to faith. They provide a basic outline of the foundations of faith to bring someone to salvation.

Hebrews 6:1-3 details these foundations as follows; Repentance, Sin, Faith, Baptism, Holy Spirit, The Resurrection and Judgement. This study series covers all of these whether directly or indirectly.

A 30 day quiet-time study of Hebrews 11 on Faith

Hebrews 11 begins by defining two things: what faith actually is and the people who have had it before us.

Faith is ultimately about Trust. It is a confident trust in what is unseen. It's trusting God in all circumstances, whether in good times or bad. It is holding fast to his Word no matter what.